Shopaw blog

Enhance Your Product Page with Personalized Options

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What's New

What ’s New in the first quarter of 2024 ? 🌟

@Jan 01-Mar 27,2024

1、Subscription Package Upgrade
2、Add Group Functionality for Organizing Options
3、Image Design Supports Custom Irregular Masks
4、Upgrade Image Upload to [ File Upload ], with Support for image & PDF
5、Image/Color Swatch、Image stack Options Support Batch Image Upload
6、Support Downloading Customer-customized Product Images
7、Support for Configuring Preview Buttons on the Store

What’s New in Nov & Dec?

@Dec 31-Nov 01, 2023

  1. Add New Option - Image Design
  2. Text design supports adjusting text angles and radians
  3. Optimized image compression for reduced loading times
  4. Support importing templates across different stores using an ID

What's new in October?

@ Oct 31, 2023

  1. Add New Option - Text design.
  2. Set Image swatch thumbnail size.
  3. Enable combined thumbnails in Image Swatch.
  4. Save product configurations as a template.
  5. Bulk applies templates to multiple products.

What's new in September?

@ Sep 30, 2023

  1. Add New Option - Popup link.
  2. Batch import products by Category/Tag.
  3. Optimize the display of color swatch UI.

What's new in August?

@ Aug 31, 2023

  1. Set Add-on price to Options.
  2. Hover preview a large image.
  3. Set the required option.
  4. Image Stack has 3 option styles.

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