Step 2: Shopify store| Essential Elements for Website Building

If you want to know how to set up a store, you can approach it from eight perspectives. Each module has a different level of prominence, so you can learn which areas are most important during the setup process. You can also refer to other stores to learn how to build your own.

【 Subscription Plans and Modules】
- Subscription packages (14-day free trial)
- Store theme

【Product Page Design】
- Product layout on the homepage
- Product category page layout
- Product page layout

【Website Building Modules】
- Domain name binding
- Mobile device compatibility
- Store pop-ups

【Image Design】
- Logo image
- Homepage carousel
- Product series images
- Product images

- VISA credit card
- PayPal

【Service Pages】
- Contact us
- Privacy policy
- Service policy
- Return policy
- Logistics information

- Self-shipping
- Dropshipping

【Shopify App】
- Logistics tracking
- Customer service tools
- Review plugins
- Product Acquisition