Step 1: Shopify Store | Preparing Information

After gaining practical experience in building stores, we have summarized the following information on opening a store: building a Shopify store is not difficult, and I will record step-by-step how to build a store, including the processes and costs involved.

Basic information
- Register a domain name
- Register an email address (Gmail is recommended)
- Choose a store theme
- Visa credit card
- Payment method (PayPal is recommended)
- Product information
- Page layout design
- Store name and logo
- Phone number
- Return address
Key emphasis

【Domain Name】
- It's best to use .com/.cn
- It's best to include the brand name
- Consider the domain name's relevance to the product
- The domain name should not be too long
- The domain name should not include numbers

- An email address including the domain name is the best
- The second best is Gmail
- Third best is a commonly used international domain name

【Store Templates】
- Prioritize using free store templates
- Consider using third-party paid templates later

【Payment Methods】
- Prepare a Visa credit card
- Prioritize using PayPal/Stripe payment methods