Step 1: Shopify Store | Preparing Information

Step 1: Shopify Store | Preparing Information

After gaining practical experience in building stores, we have summarized the following information on opening a store: building a Shopify store is not difficult, and I will record step-by-step how to build a store, including the processes and costs involved.

Basic information
  1. Register a domain name
  2. Register an email address (Gmail is recommended)
  3. Choose a store theme
  4. Visa credit card
  5. Payment method (PayPal is recommended)
  6. Product information
  7. Page layout design
  8. Store name and logo
  9. Phone number
  10. Return address
Key emphasis

【Domain Name】

  1. It's best to use .com/.cn
  2. It's best to include the brand name
  3. Consider the domain name's relevance to the product
  4. The domain name should not be too long
  5. The domain name should not include numbers


  1. An email address including the domain name is the best
  2. The second best is Gmail
  3. Third best is a commonly used international domain name

【Store Templates】

  1. Prioritize using free store templates
  2. Consider using third-party paid templates later

【Payment Methods】

  1. Prepare a Visa credit card
  2. Prioritize using PayPal/Stripe payment methods